We customise unforgettable, responsible travel experiences to help people reconnect with nature at a deeper, more intrinsic, 'heart' level.

​Our expeditions involve hands-on conservation and climate-action initiatives, such as: coral restoration in marine protected areas; land reforestation and mangrove regeneration; wildlife protection; and rescue and rehabilitation of endangered animal. 

​Our aim is to educate travelers and increase their appreciation of nature-based, restorative solutions, to provide funds for ecological conservation, to directly benefit the economic development and political empowerment of local communities and indigenous populations, and to foster respect for different cultures, human rights and nature. 

  • Siargao, Philippines - 2017

    In support of Nature Kids of Siargao - Plastic Recycling Community Projects

  • Antarctica - 2018

    In support of UN Women Cambodia’s agricultural programs and strengthening local women’s livelihoods

  • Palawan, Philippines

    In support of the Tao Kalahi Foundations an their progams in agriculture for local communities as solution to overfishing

  • Son Doong Caves, Vietnam

    In support of UN Women Vietnam’s projects focused on agriculture and the economic empowerment of women in rural areas

  • Laugavegur, Iceland

    In support of UN Women’s programs focused on the economic empowerment of women in rural areas of Asia, notably in Bangladesh, Nepal and Vietnam

  • Matthews Range, Kenya

    In support of Conservation International’s programs focused on gender equality including the Reteti Elephant Sanctuary - the first community owned and mainly female operated elephant sanctuary in Kenya, the expansion of eco-tourism facilities and the establishment mobile anti-poaching teams for the region

  • Arctic Circle Trail, Greenland

    In support of UN Women’s programs focused on the economic empowerment of women in rural areas of Asia, notably in Bangladesh, Nepal and Vietnam

  • Pangatalan Island, Philippines

    In support of the Sulubaaï Environmental Foundation and its programs focused pm conserving, protecting and restoring the natural marine and coastal ecosystems of this region

  • Knuckles Mountain Range, Sri Lanka

    In support of UN Women Sri Lanka and their initiatives building women’s climate resilience and economic empowerment

  • Western Alps, Switzerland

    In support of UNHCR’s environmental program in Bangladesh which includes reforestation, human-elephant contact management and youth-led climate action training activities

  • Gobi Desert, Mongolia

    In suppor of The Nature Conservancy's impactful initiatives in Mongolia - the focus of these projects includes empowering women in herding communities, fostering enhanced land conservation, and creating avenues for additional income

  • UP NEXT: Ladakh, India in Feb 2025

    In support of the Snow Leopard Conservancy India Trust to preserve the endangered snow leopard and its habitat through community-based initiatives empowering women

Embrace the Adventure