HER Planet Earth's Ladakh Adventure: Empowering Women and Fostering Snow Leopard Conservation

For Immediate Release

September 2024, Singapore - For its 12th expedition, HER Planet Earth proudly announces its Ladakh Adventure, an extraordinary initiative uniting 13 remarkable women from diverse corners of the globe. This mission is dedicated to supporting Snow Leopard Conservation in Ladakh, India. Through a dynamic awareness-raising campaign and a generous donation, the all-female team is set to make a lasting impact on the highly endangered snow leopard and its fragile habitat through partnership with the Snow Leopard Conservancy India Trust to train local women as trackers and activists.

The Ladakh Adventure is more than a quest—it's a commitment to actively engage in biodiversity conservation, ensuring the delicate balance of the ecosystem for various species reliant on its harmonious existence. Furthermore, this expedition supports initiatives that empower women in Ladakh, fostering sustainable development and creating a positive ripple effect within local communities.

Why Ladakh?

Ladakh, with its unique blend of challenge and significance, has been chosen as the destination for HER Planet Earth's latest adventure. Nestled in the trans-Himalayan region, Ladakh boasts not only breathtaking natural beauty but also a cultural richness that is a fusion of Tibetan Buddhist and Shia Muslim traditions. Known as "Little Tibet," Ladakh offers a spiritually rich destination, making it the perfect backdrop for this unique journey.

The Ladakh Adventure is an opportunity for participants to explore this remote region, with its ancient monasteries perched on rocky hilltops, charming towns like Leh, and the Indus Valley. Against the backdrop of harsh winter conditions, with temperatures dropping to -20 degrees Celsius at night, the challenging adventure will help foster a deeper connection among participants and emphasise the importance of preserving Ladakh's unique heritage and biodiversity.

The Cause

In the heart of Ladakh, the Snow Leopard Conservancy India Trust stands as a guardian, tirelessly dedicated to preserving the endangered snow leopard and its habitat through community-based initiatives. Since 2003, this non-profit organisation has emerged as one of the most impactful and successful conservation organisations in the Himalayas.

The Ladakh Expedition aligns with the Snow Leopard Conservancy mission, aiming to empower local women as trackers and activists in the realm of snow leopard conservation. HER Planet Earth is committed to training 15 local Ladakhi women as nature guides, supported by the donations made by the 13 teammates joining this expedition, creating a profound connection between the roles of local women in society and the overarching cause of preserving the delicate balance of Ladakh's natural ecosystem.

Christine Amour-Levar, Founder of HER Planet Earth, says, "This Ladakh Adventure is not just about exploring a stunning landscape; it's about leaving a lasting legacy. We are empowering women, fostering conservation, and creating a narrative that transcends borders. The participants are not just explorers; they are custodians of Ladakh's delicate ecosystem and advocates for the majestic snow leopards that call it home. This is a journey of purpose, passion, and positive impact."

The Team's Journey

The women will embark on their adventure in Delhi, where they will be greeted by the vibrant energy of the bustling metropolis. A short flight will then take them to Leh, Ladakh's capital, perched amidst the Kunlun Mountain range and the Great Himalayas. The Grand Dragon Ladakh, their sustainable haven, mirrors the region's commitment to environmental responsibility.

The Ladakh Adventure, curated especially for the group by Singapore-based travel specialists, Lightfoot Travel, unfolds as a tapestry of cultural exploration and environmental advocacy, guided by the indomitable spirit of adventure. From the historic monasteries of 'Shey' and 'Thiksey' to the royal history at Stok Palace & Museum, the journey promises to be a powerful blend of discovery and wonder.

At Uley, a picturesque village at an altitude of almost 4,000 metres, the team will immerse itself in the anticipation of encounters with the majestic snow leopards that roam the region. Each day becomes a chapter of discovery, with the team waking up to breathtaking Ladakh mornings and setting out on trails in search of elusive snow leopards.

The expedition becomes a story of blending with nature, of tracking and understanding the subtle dance between snow leopards, Himalayan foxes, and the myriad of species that call this pristine landscape home. As the expedition draws to a close, the women will bid farewell to Uley, their home in this snow-kissed realm, and travel back to Leh, marking the final chapter of their Ladakh sojourn.

Award-Winning Filmmaker Joins the Team

The team will be joined by the renowned Indian filmmaker, Hardik Contractor, whose work has earned accolades across the globe. Contractor's storytelling expertise is second to none with an impressive portfolio that includes collaborations with National Geographic, BBC Storyworks, CNN, Great Big Story, VICE, Business Insider, Brut, Sky (Italy), TIME, Deutsche Welle, IWAS, and Gucci. He has graciously offered to document the Ladakh expedition pro bono. This partnership, sponsored by Lightfoot Travel and local partners, Periplus, offers a unique opportunity to produce a powerful short film that not only captures the essence of this HER Planet Earth adventure, but also shines a spotlight on the vital efforts of the Snow Leopard Conservancy.


About HER Planet Earth

HER Planet Earth is a non-profit organisation headquartered in Singapore that aims to empower women to mitigate climate change. One of its core objectives is to inspire more women to become policymakers and agents of change to achieve social and economic equity and a healthy and thriving planet. HER Planet Earth organises challenging, often pioneering, self-funded expeditions around the world to increase awareness on environmental degradation and raise funds for programmes that empower and educate underprivileged women affected by climate change - ultimately helping them build climate change resilience. The organisation partners with nature lovers, environmentalists, scientists, polar explorers, adventurers, women’s rights advocates, corporates, tech entrepreneurs, feminists and charities that have programmes and structures in place dedicated to building a deeper connection between gender equality, genuinely sustainable development, and the protection of the environment. 
About Snow Leopard Conservancy

Snow Leopard Conservancy India Trust (SLC-IT) is an NGO working in the Trans-Himalayan regions of Ladakh and Spiti for the conservation of the highly endangered snow leopard. Co-founded in 2003 by Mr. Rinchen Wangchuk, a Ladakhi mountaineer and conservationist, SLC-IT has established itself as one of the most productive and successful conservation organizations in the Himalayas. Their programs are meticulously designed to conserve the mountain ecosystems in collaboration with local communities. We focus primarily on building local stewardship through community-based tourism, education, and research in Ladakh, where snow leopards and wolves, once disdained as pests and adversaries because of frequent livestock depredation, are now considered as Ri Gyancha or 'ornaments of the mountains'.

About Lightfoot Travel

Lightfoot Travel is an Asia-based luxury tour operator specialising in tailormade holidays throughout the world. The company was founded in Singapore over a decade ago and offers bespoke holidays to curious adventurers looking for exclusive and meaningful experiences that will create memories that will last a lifetime. Today the company has offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, London and New York, with a cosmopolitan team who have all lived and worked around the globe - giving them the edge in creating highly personalised itineraries for their guests, including to off-the-beaten-track destinations such as Central Asia, Africa, Latin America and Antarctica. Perfectly capturing the current trend for travel that is authentic, life-enhancing, and inspirational, Lightfoot Travel offers unrivalled local knowledge and expertly curated, bespoke itineraries. www.lightfoottravel.com
Team Profiles

The team of this HER Planet Earth Ladakh 2025 Adventure is formed by 13 women of diverse nationalities and backgrounds. While they are all incredibly well accomplished in their careers, they are equally passionate about protecting the environment and empowering underprivileged women.

To follow the team’s journey follow them on:

​For media queries, please contact: connect@herplanetearth.com


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